torsdag 28 januari 2010

Integration test at DLR

We are now in München, or more precise in Oberpfaffenhofen. A small picturesque village deep in the Bavarian wilderness. Our purpose here was to go trough a series of interface tests at the nearby DLR site in order to confirm that our experiment was compatible with the rockets service system, and to check that no interference existed between the experiments.

We passed all these tests with flying colours. Data was received from, and we could talk to the experiment from the very moment it was connected and powered by the service system, it was more or less plug and play : )

LAPLander inside the nose cone and LAPLander beside the nose cone.

lördag 16 januari 2010

Tank Manufacturing

Now is the video of the tank manufacturing available on Youtube. It may be seen by following this link:

Tank Manufacturing Video

In order to make the manufacturing visible, the cutting fluid was switched off. This is not recommended under normal circumstances. As seen in the video, the manufacturing process is pretty fast after the machine has been programmed.

Many thanks to our tank sponsor, A-Mek.

/Christian Westlund

onsdag 13 januari 2010

Vibration test photos

The big vibrator and LAPLander. The black part is the rocket fuselage, then an adapter for LAPLander with clamps, and LAPL on top. LAPLander is ejected into space by cutting the steel wire by a pyrotechnic device. The red cables goes to acceleronometers.

söndag 10 januari 2010

Vibration test tomorrow!

To ensure that LAPLander will manage the loads during launch, the payload will be assembled and shaked. This will be done tomorrow in Bremen, Germany.

For more videos of previous tests see youtube and search for "LAPLander KTH".

onsdag 6 januari 2010


This is how it will look like when it is deployed:
Hatches and the lander with recovery system folded inside:

Group photo, from left: patrik ahlén, joakim sandström, christian jonsson, johan juhlén and johan thelander, on floor erik sund. LAPLander hanging on a string (as the swedish saying...).

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