tisdag 27 oktober 2009

Inflation test

The airbag was attached to the tank which was filled with around 6 g of co2.

1.5 W seemed not to do the trick so I tried to raise the current (not easy with a stick, hiding behind a vacuum cleaner, afraid of exploding airbags)

Please fast forward to 1:40 where the inflation takes place.

You will hear a "pop" at the end of the inflation which is the temporary silicone sealing at the wires breaking.

A conclusion is that inflating the airbag works, and it is in a slow manner which is good.

Also, care must be taken while sealing the wires and the pressure sensor.

onsdag 7 oktober 2009

Efter en hel del strul så blev slutligen den senaste versionen av koldioxidtanken äntligen redo att testas. Tanken fylldes med 4 gram kolsyreis, vilket ger upphov till ungefär 2 liter gas vid rumstemperatur och atmosfärstryck. Det första testet var att se om tanken höll tätt, vilket utfördes genom att lägga ner den i en hink vatten. Resultatet, som kan ses i filmen nedan, visade att tanken läckte vi den yttre o-ringen, men 1 bubbla var 6 sekund. Den lilla o-ringen vid ventilen, som tidigare har läckt, visade sig hålla tätt däremot.

Efter detta genomfördes även ett "release test" av ventilen, detta med väldigt gott resultat, som kan ses i den andra filmen i inlägget. Ventilen öppnas på mindre än 1s när strömmen slås på, det huvudsakliga gasutsläppet sker de första sekunderna, men ett långsamt utsläpp av gas kan även noteras under perioden 5-20 s efter starten.

After quite a few problems on the way, the final version of the cartridge was now ready to be tested. The tank was filled with 4 grams of CO2 ice, which equals roughly 2 litres of gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. First a leakage test was conducted (see video below), performed by placing the tank in water, where 1 bubble was seen from the outer o-ring every 6 seconds. The smaller o-ring by the valve was air-tight however, which was a very good result.

After this, a release test was performed with the electrovalve, with a good outcome (see second video). The valve is opened in less than 1 second after the current is turned on. The main gas release takes place the first seconds, however a slow release of gas can also be noted during the time period 5-20 seconds.


Leakage test

Release test